Delaware Online
Aug. 27, 2016
CCOM researchers participated UDel's Robot Boot Camp last week when dozens of researchers worked out best practices for a variety of autonomous vehicles as they mapped Delaware Bay off of Broadkill Beach.
UNH Today
Aug. 25, 2016
Halfway through their six-week research cruise of the Arctic Ocean, UNH researchers Kevin Jerram and Evgenia Bazhenova visited the North Pole.
National Fisherman
Aug. 18, 2016
This article was inspired by a talk that Larry Mayer gave on ocean mapping to the Gulf of Maine Research Institute in Portland, Maine last week.
Aug. 12, 2016
Jackie Richter-Menge will join another recent appointee, Larry Mayer, as a member of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission.
Scientists Implementing a Google Maps-esque Approach to Unearthing the Secrets of the World’s Oceans
The Daily Telegraph Australia
Aug. 8, 2016
In June this year, 150 scientists, scholars and business associates from around the world attended the Forum for Future Ocean Floor Mapping in Monaco, endorsing a project dubbed “Sea floor 2030”.
Scientists Implementing a Google Maps-esque Approach to Unearthing the Secrets of the World’s Oceans
Aug. 8, 2016
In June this year, 150 scientists, scholars and business associates from around the world, including CCOM director Larry Mayer, attended the Forum for Future Ocean Floor Mapping in Monaco, endorsing a project dubbed “Seafloor 2030.”
Aug. 8, 2016
Scientists working with Google to map ocean floor, want to avoid submarine crashes.
The Sunday Times
Aug. 7, 2016
A group of 150 oceanographers has agreed to complete a worldwide sea-bed map by 2030.
Big News Network
Aug. 7, 2016
Scientists want to map the planet's vast, unknown ocean floor.
New York Post
Aug. 7, 2016
Scientists want to map the planet’s vast, unknown ocean floor.
International Business Times
Aug. 7, 2016
With only 5% of the world's seafloor mapped in any real detail, scientists are now planning to take a Google Maps-style approach to unearthing the secrets of the oceans.
New Delhi News
Aug. 7, 2016
Using sonar aboard ships, unmanned submarines and other vessels, ambitious researchers hope to build over the next 14 years a Google Maps-style guide to mountains, valleys and volcanoes deep underwater.
Aug. 4, 2016
UNH marine scientists celebrated their new at-sea platform. the R/V Gulf Surveyor, on July 27 with dockside tours of the 48’x17’4’11’ aluminum catamaran. The vessel was commissioned in January by All American Marine, Bellingham, WA.
Hydro International
Jul. 28, 2016
Shin Tani, chair of GEBCO Guiding Committee and former chief hydrographer of Japan, is adamant about the need of sharing data to reach the goal of a completely mapped ocean floor.
I Would Walk 500 Miles, and I Would Walk 500 More, Just to Be the Man Who Walked 1,000 Miles Out on the Ocean Floor
Atlas Obscura
Jul. 22, 2016
Director Larry Mayer and Affiliate Assoc. Professor Vicki Ferrini help Atlas Obscura imagine what it would be like to walk across the seafloor of a dried up Atlantic Ocean.
NOAA's Coast Survey Blog
Jul. 19, 2016
Cartographers and hydrographers from twelve countries gathered in Maryland last week to participate in a three-day NOAA workshop on evaluating the adequacy of nautical charts.
Hydro International
Jul. 7, 2016
As part of their industrial partner agreement, EIVA of Denmark will implement tools developed by CCOM to advance ocean mapping and hydrography into their NaviSuite software.
Seacoast Online
Jul. 3, 2016
A local reporter spent a day with the Summer Hydro class aboard the Gulf Surveyor.
Jun. 18, 2016
The deep ocean remains one of the most underexplored places known to humans. Members of GEBCO met in Monaco last week to discuss this at the Forum for Future Ocean Floor Mapping.
Jun. 17, 2016
Larry Mayer calls for ocean mapping commitment equal to Mars mission.
BBC Science in Action
Jun. 16, 2016
Oceanographers are meeting in Monaco this week to discuss how to measure the landscape under the world’s oceans.
NOAA's Coast Survey Blog
Jun. 10, 2016
President Obama has approved the promotion CCOM alum Shep Smith from captain to rear admiral (lower half), which is a prerequisite for him to become director of NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey. Shep will succeed Rear Adm. Gerd Glang, another graduate of our mapping program.
National Geographic Voices
Jun. 8, 2016
These eight ocean-related innovations are helping to save our oceans. CCOM researchers contributed to the development of #6, Whale Alert, as a successful application of our AIS work.
The Economist
Jun. 7, 2016
Larry Mayer and the upcoming GEBCO forum are mentioned in this article about the difficulty of mapping through all that water.
Jun. 3, 2016
Jennifer Miksis-Olds weighs in on why pygmy blue whales are changing their vocalizations.