Campus Journal
Sep. 7, 2011
Scientists from UNH’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center are halfway through their six-week mission in the Arctic Ocean aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy.
Toronto Star
Aug. 24, 2011
Two powerful icebreakers — one Canadian, the other American — have just met up in the Beaufort Sea, setting up the latest play in a circumpolar hockey game. More>>
Aug. 18, 2011
On Aug. 15, two videographers from National Geographic, a photographer, and a journalist from the University of New Hampshire Alumni Magazine conducted an interview with Center director Dr. Larry Mayer. Dr. Mayer is the chief scientist during the Coast Guard Cutter Healy’s Arctic West Summer 2011 Mission and extended continental shelf mapping with the Canadian coast guard icebreaker Louis S. St-Laurent.
La Tribune
Jul. 11, 2011
This summer, Val Schmidt is participating with some Canadian colleagues in an effort to map the underside of an iceberg using an AUV. They spent last week conducting pre-deployment tests in a lake in Quebec.
UNH Campus Journal
Jun. 22, 2011
James Gardner, research professor at the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center, has received the Shepard Medal for excellence in marine geology from SEPM, the Society for Sedimentary Geology. He will be presented with this prestigious medal at the SEPM’s annual meeting in April 2012.
Popular Mechanics
Jun. 14, 2011
With a warming world steadily eliminating sea ice from the Arctic, Northern nations are busy bolstering their claims to the sea floor, trying to pave the way for future economic interests. More than one country has already claimed the North Pole. But staking your claim at the top of the world is a messy and complicated science.
Hydro International
May. 16, 2011
With more than 50 expeditions to sea, amongst them many to the Arctic, and a new role as leader of an inquiry team installed by the National Research Council that will study the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the ecosystem services in the Gulf, Larry Mayer is able to connect the two regions that are playing such a big role in today’s and tomorrow’s energy supply of the United States and beyond.
UNH Campus Journal
May. 11, 2011
Kurt Schwehr, a Research Assistant Professor at CCOM, is one of the developers of a web-based oil spill response tool that has been honored as a finalist for the prestigious Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal.
Seacoast Online
Feb. 5, 2011
Larry Mayer, professor of Earth science and ocean engineering, director of UNH's Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, and co-director of the UNH-NOAA Joint Hydrographic Center, will lead a National Research Council's committee to study the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on ecosystem services in the Gulf of Mexico in a 30-month inquiry that will produce a final report for elected officials, public policy leaders and the public in fall of 2012.
Science Now
Nov. 16, 2010
When the Deepwater Horizon oil spill erupted into the Gulf of Mexico last April, the only view researchers and citizens had of the gushing oil was the video feed controlled by BP. A team of scientists says it has now found a better way to track oil spills: sonar.
The researchers, from the University of New Hampshire's (UNH's) Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM) in Durham and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), wanted to try sonar because its wide view can look at entire swaths of ocean at the same time. But no one had shown how to use the technology to map or track oil spills. "We were really doing crisis science. ... There were no proven methods for doing this," says team member Thomas Weber, an acoustician at CCOM.
Using Multibeam Echosounder Backscatter To Characterize Seafloor Features Geocoder Processing Gives Multibeam Echosounder Backscatter an Advantage Over Side Scan Sonar in Producing Reliable Seafloor Maps
Sea Technology
Oct. 7, 2010
Recent developments in multibeam echosounder backscatter processing, specifically an integrated suite of processing algorithms called Geocoder (developed by Luciano Fonseca and Brian Calder of the University of New Hampshire), are now included in most commercially available processing software. These tools allow end users to produce properly corrected backscatter mosaics and add more robust qualitative and quantitative discrimination of seabed materials to their seafloor characterizations.
4D Visualization and Analysis Of Seafloor Vents and Plumes FMMidwater Processing, Generic Water Column Format Allow Rapid Exploitation of Water Column Targets
Sea Technology
Oct. 7, 2010
Dr. James V. Gardner of CCOM and Mashkoor Malik of NOAA participated on the cruise and provided details of the discovery in the journal Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. The discovery of this plume is just one example of the emerging use of these types of multibeam water column data.
Hydro International
Oct. 7, 2010
"It will be a very interesting question as to whether this data will be made public like all the other bathymetry we have collected," commented Larry Mayer to Hydro International. Mayer served as chief scientist on the Healy during the previous two expeditions and is director of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping in Durham, N.H. "I am not sure how data from the disputed area will be treated," he acknowledged. "We will get the data at the end of the cruise and can process it relatively quickly." Currently all of the bathymetry data that the Healy has collected using its multi-beam echo sounder is available online, whereas the data from the seismic surveys collected on board Canada's Louis S. St-Laurent are not yet public. "I should say that processing is one thing. Analysis is another. The analysis with respect to potential submissions is a longer process," Mayer added.
UNH Media Relations
Aug. 5, 2010
UNH Tech Campers use the Chase deep tank to test the Sea Perch ROVs they built by running them through an obstacle course set up by divers from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.
Aug. 5, 2010
With most of a once-massive Gulf of Mexico oil slick no longer a threat, environmental experts say the Gulf coast may have dodged the worst nightmare of a massive catastrophe.
Seacoast Online
Jul. 11, 2010
The center was one of approximately 12 other oceanographic facilities selected in May to assist with oil spill recovery following a meeting in Washington, D.C., with President Barack Obama's science and energy advisors as well as administrators of the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
"The focus was on what the academic community can bring to the table," said Dr. Larry Mayer, professor and director at the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping. "That's our job as a natural center of excellence. You hope they would call on us when these things happen."
Jun. 9, 2010
Under the surface, Dr. Tom Weber of UNH's center for coastal mapping has been searching for deep oil plumes believed to be escaping from the deepwater horizon well.
"Our main objective was for us to see, could we find those and if we can find them, can we map it out," he says.
The Washington Post
Jun. 3, 2010
In a best-case scenario, crew members will use echograms and a fluorometer, which measures light emissions, to identify anomalies and scoop water samples from as deep as 1,000 feet below the surface.
But using these tools to seek dispersed oil in such a wide area is an uncertain endeavor, according to Larry A. Mayer, director of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping at the University of New Hampshire.
"We're not 100 percent sure this will work," said Mayer, who is part of the mission. "But we'll be working night and day to figure that out."
The Miami Herald
Jun. 2, 2010
With scientists anxious to know more about how much oil is deep within the Gulf, a research ship heads out to the spill site.
"It's totally new. We're really testing the feasibility of the approach, we don't know whether it will work or not, but it's certainly worth trying," said one of those researchers, Larry Mayer, director of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping at the University of New Hampshire. "What is the nature of submerged oil, if there is oil? We just don't understand its properties yet."
UNH Campus Journal
Mar. 1, 2010
While Little Hercules spent just five days in Durham before heading to Hawaii, where it will explore the waters between there and Indonesia, NOAA plans to return to Chase in April to test an ROV almost eight times the size of this one. "They need a big enough tank to submerge the ROV in a controlled environment," says Andy McLeod, lab manager of the UNH facility, which houses several joint UNH and NOAA programs. McLeod adds that the ongoing testing will mean opportunities for UNH undergraduate students to get involved in research.
The New York Times
Feb. 10, 2010
A 2008 Coast Guard survey found the U.S. continental slope extends more than 100 miles farther from the Alaskan coast than previously thought, according to Larry Mayer, who was chief scientist of the mission.
Oct. 26, 2009
Students from Carmel Middle School in Carmel, Ind., welcomed home Christine Hedge, a seventh-grade science teacher who spent six weeks in the Arctic Ocean on board the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy as part of a multi-year, multi-agency effort to collect seafloor mapping and oceanographic data along the North American Extended Continental Shelf.
"The discovery of this seamount is a prime example of how little we know about the Arctic Ocean," said retired NOAA Capt. Andy Armstrong, the mission's co-chief scientist and co-director of the NOAA-University of New Hampshire Joint Hydrographic Center. "Christine's keen observations allowed us to react in time to turn the ship and explore this important seafloor feature in closer detail."
Oct. 6, 2009
CCOM alumn Cmdr. Shepard Smith Cmdr. of the Thomas Jefferson said Monday the Hassler will be the fourth NOAA hydrographic survey ship, with equipment to map the ocean floor to provide accurate nautical charts to commercial and recreational boats.
Sep. 24, 2009
James V. Gardner and Mashkoor Malik (of The Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping (CCOM) UNH and NOAA, respectively) participated on the cruise, and provided details of the discovery in the August 11, 2009 issue of EOS.
Kodiak Daily Mirror
Sep. 22, 2009
The crew of the Healy has spent the past three months underway studying Arctic Ocean hydrography and mapping the Extended continental shelf.