Marine Log
Aug. 14, 2007
NOAA's Office of Coast Survey, in partnership with the University of New Hampshire's Joint Hydrographic Center and the National Science Foundation, will embark on a four-week cruise to map a portion of the Arctic sea floor starting Aug. 17.
Aug. 13, 2007
NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey, in partnership with the University of New Hampshire’s Joint Hydrographic Center and the National Science Foundation, will embark on a four-week cruise to map a portion of the Arctic sea floor starting Aug. 17. Read more at
Washington Post
Aug. 8, 2007
NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration
Aug. 1, 2007
Through several years of development and testing during joint expeditions, and through the installation of Exploration Command Centers (ECC's) on shore, NOAA OE is now preparing to initiate a major scientific and public outreach program from their new dedicated research vessel, the Okeanos Explorer that will include the use of telepresence technology.
Currently, prototype ECCs reside at URI GSO, IFE in Mystic, CT, the NOAA/University of New Hampshire (UNH) Center for Ocean and Coastal Mapping (CCOM) Joint Hydrographic Center, the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) in Seattle, and at a NOAA facility in Silver Spring, MD.
The latest expedition to the Aegean and Black Sea will last from August 1 to August 31, 2007
The Patriot Ledger
Jul. 29, 2007
Ware, director of the Data Visualization Research Lab at the University of New Hampshire’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, can use the data, combined with new signaling technology developed at the university, to create three-dimensional reconstructions of a tagged whale’s path.
The Boston Globe
Jul. 20, 2007
With data gathered by electronic tags, University of New Hampshire scientists have developed three-dimensional computer models to show how whales move under water. Read more at
UNH - Research in the News
Jul. 1, 2007
A map of the world hangs in a break room in UNH's Jere A. Chase Ocean Engineering Building. Over it a banner queries: "Where's Larry?" In answer, several cartoon Larrys, each wearing a red-and-white striped jersey and a wry expression, are positioned around the equator. Not surprisingly, the map is out of date. The real Larry Mayer-who spent one year out of the last six at sea-is just back from the Arctic.
Foster´s Online
Mar. 11, 2007
Dr. Larry Mayer, a University of New Hampshire Oceanography professor, describes the University's Telepresence console.
The system allows for live video and audio feeds from remote locations.
Hydro International
Mar. 9, 2007
GEBCO uses deepwater survey data to produce bathymetry maps and grids. Published maps appear complete but are in fact based on very little data. Only a portion of the deep data that could potentially be put to use is contributed to the public domain. All would benefit were more data submitted to data centres.
Orcadian Subs
Nov. 16, 2006
The watery grave of the German commander, has been discovered off Orkney.
Orkney Today
Nov. 16, 2006
A week-long survey of the seven remaining vessels, scuttled in 1919, has just been carried out by ScapaMAP. "Having Brian Calder from CCOM was a huge bonus to the project"
National Geographic News
Feb. 17, 2005
"Technology has improved dramatically in the last ten years, but the deep oceans are just so vast," Gardner said. "Something else has to be done."
Feb. 9, 2005
Military Officer Magazine
Jun. 1, 2004
A survey of ships and other craft lost during Operation Neptune provides not only an inventory of sunken artifacts but also a key to remembering D-Day.