AUV Hydrographic Bootcamp 2014
Engineering Hydrographic Surveys
A Collaboration between The Coastal Sediments, Hydrodynamics and Engineering Laboratory (CSHEL) at the University of Delaware and The Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM) at the University of New Hampshire with support from Hydroid.
AUV Bootcamp is a focused, pressure-cooker type of event where new methods of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) operations, data collection, processing and display are developed and made operational. It is an event for AUV operators, commercial software developers, engineers, researchers, and graduate students to directly interact, in a small group environment, both in the field and ashore. AUV Bootcamp provides a means to try new things, make mistakes in a controlled manner, and learn how to operate and process data from an AUV.
The mission of AUV Bootcamp 2014 is focused on the operational methods of AUVs to collect bathymetric data for the purposes of nautical charting and the data processing techniques required to create hydrographic quality survey products. Among the areas under consideration are:
- Operational methods optimized for hydrographic surveys, including survey efficiency and cross-checks.
- Minimization and quantification of navigation uncertainty.
- Correction of navigation drift from acquired survey data.
- Assess the impact of surface swell on a shallow water survey and methods to mitigate the effect on the bathymetry.
- Generation of an uncertainty model for bathymetric data collected from an AUV.
- Complete workup of bathymetric data suitable for submission to NOAA.
- Exploration of on-vehicle, real time methods of data processing.
Aug 3-8 (Sunday – Friday)
AUV Bootcamp will be held at the University of New Hampshire’s Judd Gregg Marine Science Complex in New Castle, NH. Field work will occur in the vicinity of the mouth of Portsmouth Harbor and just off shore. NOAA will be operating a Hydroid Remus 600 equipped with a Kongsberg EM3002 multibeam sonar in support of this event.
AUV Bootcamp 2014 officially begins. Participant introductions, introduction to the REMUS 600 AUV and associated systems. Overview of the schedule and general plan for the week with amendments as the group desires and other boundaries require. Discussion of data processing flow. Access to preliminary data set. Planning of field day 1.
Field Day 1: First day of AUV survey. Estimate 2 surveys, each 3 hours in length. Field team will likely consist of 3-5 people. Those not in the field will have the preliminary data set to work on and general discussion of methods to consider.
Data processing day. Full workup of Field Day 1 data, with revisions. Any dock-side testing. Planning for Field Day 2.
Field Day 2: Estimate 2 surveys, each 3 hours in length with battery swap in between. Continued processing of Field Day 1.
Field Day 3: Weather day or half day in the field. Data processing/review.
Data processing day and discussion. Wrapup.
Send an email to Val Schmidt ( and/or Art Trembanis ( Let them know you’re interested and ask them questions about what to expect. They will be making additional information available regarding the event location and other details soon.