ENC Depth Areas: Quality Control of Sea-bottom Surface Continuity and Error Fixes

TitleENC Depth Areas: Quality Control of Sea-bottom Surface Continuity and Error Fixes
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
AuthorsKastrisios, C, Calder, BR, Bartlett, M
Conference Name2020 Canadian Hydrographic Conference
Conference DatesFebruary 24-27
Conference LocationQuebec City, Quebec, Canada
KeywordsENC validation checks; automated nautical cartography; digital terrain modelling; topographic surface; nautical surface; surface reconstruction;

The Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) consists of point, line, and area features compiled following the nodechain topological model. To ensure that the topological structure is valid, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has developed a number of checks defined in Publication S-58. Many of the checks deal with the vertical component of the nautical chart with the aim to validate consistency among compiled geoobjects. Nevertheless, validation checks are not exhaustive and spatial relationships may be violated. The presented work identifies vertical discontinuities between depth areas and adjoining geo-objects in the ENC and following an iterative approach proposes fixes to the attributes and the geometry of the depth areas with errors.

URL for Proceedinghttps://www.conferium.com/OLM/Prg_Present.lasso?showevent=202