Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: Performance and Production

TitleSatellite-Derived Bathymetry: Performance and Production
Publication TypeConference Abstract
AuthorsJegat, V, Pe'eri, S, Freire, R, Klemm, A, Castillo, J, Nyberg, J
Conference Name2016 Canadian Hydrographic Conference
Conference DatesMay 16 - 19
Keywordssatellite-derived bathymetry, sdb

Satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) has proven itself as a useful reconnaissance tool for ocean mapping. Although SDB provides bathymetry products at a coarser spatial resolution compared to acoustic surveying, satellite imagery is repeatedly collected over the same area. Also, satellite imagery is publicly-available at no cost. Recent academic research has published SDB performance evaluation results on different algorithms and approaches with an associated uncertainty to the products. Over the past year, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has outlined policies for the use of SDB, especially for intermediate charting products until a traditional survey can be conducted. In addition, the industries are now offering services for SDB productions. This triangle of academia, government and industry empowers hydrographic offices around the world to acquire near-shore bathymetry in their own territorial waters. This effort can be conducted by the hydrographic offices themselves or in partnership with industry where additional capacity is required. In this paper, we will review recent updates on SDB procedures and products from academia, government and industry. The motivation of this work is provide the hydrographer and cartographer several

paths that will depend on the capacity and resources available at the hydrographic office, deadline requirements, and other logistical considerations.