Sedimentary Analysis from the Mouth of the Great Bay Estuary: Biogenic Sediment Fraction

TitleSedimentary Analysis from the Mouth of the Great Bay Estuary: Biogenic Sediment Fraction
Publication TypePoster - Not Conference
AuthorsWeidner, E, Matthew Roy
Date PublishedMay 18
KeywordsBiogenic Sediment Fraction, ESCI 854, great bay estuary, sedimentary analysis, Sedimentology

Sediments were collected from the mouth of Great Bay Estuary in New Hampshire.Their lithological and biological constitutes were examined in an effort to understand the area’s sedimentary history. Objectives of the Smear Slide/Coarse Fraction Team (SSCFT) were to: 

  • describe and explain the lithological variation between the Presumpscot formation and the overlying Holocene sediments
  • better understand the depositional environment2(glacial marine?) of the Presumpscot formation