Euclidean Reconstruction of Natural Underwater Scenes Using Optic Imagery Sequence

Han Hu
M.S. Thesis Defense

Ocean Engineering

Tuesday, May. 26, 2015, 9:30am
Chase S206

The development of maritime applications require monitoring, studying and preserving of detailed and close observation on the underwater seafloor and objects. Stereo vision offers advanced technologies to build 3D models from 2D still overlapping images in a relatively inexpensive way. However, while image stereo matching is a necessary step in 3D reconstruction procedure, even the most robust dense matching techniques are not guaranteed to work for underwater images due to the challenging aquatic environment. In this thesis, in addition to a detailed introduction and research on the key components of building 3D models from optic images, a robust modified quasi-dense matching algorithm based on correspondence propagation and adaptive least square matching for underwater images is proposed and applied to some typical underwater image datasets. The experiments demonstrate the robustness and good performance of the proposed matching approach.


Han Hu received his bachelor’s degree in Remote Sensing Science and Technology in 2009 and his master’s degree in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in 2011 both from Wuhan University, China.