
Upcoming Seminars

There are no upcoming Seminars at this point in time. Please check back soon!

Past Seminars

Corey Sullivan
Research Engineer

School of Marine Science
and Ocean Engineering
University of New Hampshire

Sep. 7, 2018
Igor Kozlov
M.S. Thesis Defense

Computer Science

Aug. 27, 2018
LCDR Jose M. Cordero
M.S. Defense in Ocean Engineering/Ocean Mapping


Jul. 20, 2018
Jürgen Mienert

Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate
Environment and Climate (CAGE)
The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø

May. 4, 2018
Tiziana W. Munene
Directed Research Project

Earth Sciences/Ocean Mapping

May. 3, 2018
Miles A. Sundermeyer

School for Marine Science and Technology
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Apr. 27, 2018
Glen Rice
Physical Scientist

NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey
Hydrographic Systems and Technology

Apr. 20, 2018
